Workshop Information

Next Bal-A-Vis-X Training in London is 22nd/23rd August 2022

What is Bal-A-Vis-X (BAVX)?

BAVX is a series of simple to complex exercises deeply rooted in rhythm which improves full body coordination and focuses attention. The program promotes cooperation, self-challenge, and fosters peer teaching. Originally developed to address the needs of students with reading difficulties, BAVX benefits all students. BAVX utilizes sand-filled bags, racquetballs, balance boards, and eye-fitness exercises.

Bal-A-Vis-X benefits students.

Confidence and self-discipline grow – Impulsiveness decreases. Attention span increases. Physical coordination and body rhythm are enhanced. Stress is more easily self-managed. Cognitive skills improve – Infromation integration increases. Academic success improves yet require less effort. Auditory skills are enhanced – Rhytmic patterns stimulate a new awareness of the nuances of sound. Listening and communciation skills improve. Visual fitness improves – Eye tracking, visual form perception, and focused attention improve, which accelerate classroom study, homework, and test-taking performance.

What will I learn in a Bal-A-Vis-X workshop?

  • How BAVX applies brain research
  • How to perform a dominance profile and eye tracking assessment
  • How to use BAVX with young children and special needs students
  • How to integrate BAVX into small group and whole class settings
  • Over 100 individual, partner, and group exercises


Dominance Profile

Dominance Profile:

Identifies a person’s natural preference as to eye, ear, hand, foot, and brain hemispheric dominance – a useful tool in understanding stress-related choices and behaviour patterns, and identifying optimum learning modalities.

Eye Fitness:

Addresses visual deficiencies – eyes that quint, blink excessively, dart, stick, skip, wander, or fail to notice differences or similarities.
Visual exercisesenhance eye tracking (following a moving object or flowing across a written passage), eye teaming (both eyes working together), and visual form perception (detail discrimination).

Crossing Body - Midline assessments

Crossing Body – Midline assessments

Identifies and helps ameliorate deficiencies in fundamental movement patterns that aid in brain organisation.



BAVX excercises are deeply rooted in rhythm. Rhythmic exercises heighten full-body coordination and promote self-control.

Balance Board


Together these tools address teaching with students’ learning strengths in mind.

BAVX is an engaging program of purposeful physical movement that addresses the building blocks of learning. It’s challenging. It’s school friendly. It’s brain-based. And it’s just plain fun!

BAVX applies elements of brain research on the acquisition of cognitive skills

Balance / Sensory System – the Vestibular Appartus:

Balance exercises aid in body spatial awareness and equilibrium.

“Subtle balance disturbances can impair the brain processing structures that are critically involved in attention, memory, visual processes, auditory perception, reading, speech, coordinated efficient movement, spatial orientation, and proper sequencing of information.”
Dr. Frank Belgau,
University of Houston

Focus / Attention Centre – the Reticular Activating System:

Visual tracking, balance, and object manipulation exercises stimulate the focus / attention system and elicit a whole-body response that promotes hand-eye coordination, increases concentration and attention span, and develops or fine-tunes body rhythm.

Bill Hubert’s Experience

From 1975-2005, Bill taught in elementary and middle school classrooms in the Wichita, Kansas Public Schools syetem. Fifteen of thoe years were his first graders. Prior to his career as a public school teacher, he instructed at Upward Bound – a residential program for secondary at-risk students. Bill has received awards for his writing, his teaching, his development of a parent participation program, and his work with children who have learning difficulties. Now retired, Bill promotes Bal-A-Vis-X nationally and internationally.

Next Bal-A-Vis-X in London
Date: 22nd/23rd August 2022
Time: 09:00 – 17:00

Email us here for further information. The cost is £350
secure your place – pay for the training below.

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Card processing is handled by Stripe secure site. A Stripe account is NOT required for payment. If you are having problems paying, please call me on 020 3887 0467 and ask to be put through to INTEGRATED BRAIN.

Alternatively, you can pay by BACS transfer to the following account.

Name                               Usha Patel
Account No                    88038718
Sort Code                       60-17-19

Note : Course fees are non-refundable. However, it can be credited to a future training date if you are unable to attend this training for any reason.